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Getting Started as a Mojaloop Developer

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series The Mojaloop Community Series

Sam Kummary and Miguel de Barros, have had the privilege of working on the Mojaloop OSS (Open Source Software) project since its inception, first through ModusBox and now as INFITX and they are proud to be part of a growing community. To support technical contributions, they have often assisted new community members in coming up… Read More »Getting Started as a Mojaloop Developer

Implementing asynchronous operations in javascript / typescript

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Musings from an Open Source Squad

Implementing asynchronous operations in javascript / typescript? “Think of a kitchen with multiple chefs. In synchronous programming, each chef would take turns using the same kitchen to cook their dishes. One chef would start cooking, and no other chef could start cooking until the first chef finished. In asynchronous programming, each chef would have their… Read More »Implementing asynchronous operations in javascript / typescript

Deploying Mojaloop using IaC

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Mojaloop Infrastructure as Code

We’re excited to share the next entry in the “Mojaloop Infrastructure as Code” series, following our initial announcement. This initial cut is presented as a video to provide immediate value for adopters, implementers, system integrators, and technical contributors on how to set up a Mojaloop deployment using Mojaloop IaC. The video is very technical, has… Read More »Deploying Mojaloop using IaC

Part 2: Enabling Instant Payment Participation

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Building WynePay

This is part 2 in a blog series; in the previous blog “Building WynePay to address financial inclusion in Myanmar” we outlined why enabling the participation of financial institutions is important to address financial inclusion. Now we dig deeper into some obstacles encountered when enabling large-scale participation of various sizes and classes of financial institutions,… Read More »Part 2: Enabling Instant Payment Participation

Devs: Get Hands-On Locally with Core Mojaloop

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Musings from an Open Source Squad

Have you ever thought about: Running an end-to-end transfer with local mojaloop deployment without Kubernetes Executing functional tests in the CICD with live mojaloop A docker-compose script that can bring up the core mojaloop services to explore mojaloop APIs Then you should check out this simple docker-compose-based test harness “Mojaloop Core Test Harness” ( The… Read More »Devs: Get Hands-On Locally with Core Mojaloop

The Journey to a Mojaloop Scheme MVP

At INFITX we support the level-one principle that the Rails and Rules of an IIPS scheme are the places where organizations should collaborate. In support of this principle, we are involved in various Mojaloop Community work streams to help consolidate the expertise, experience, and knowledge of participants. The journey that one embarks on when building… Read More »The Journey to a Mojaloop Scheme MVP

An upcoming Mojaloop Infrastructure as Code Series

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Mojaloop Infrastructure as Code

Many people are very interested and asking about how to use what we call the Mojaloop IaC (Infrastructure as Code) which provides a repeatable, automated, and robust deployment of Mojaloop. I’m going to write up 2 blog series – firstly, a tutorial blog series on how to use the IaC; and secondly, how this is… Read More »An upcoming Mojaloop Infrastructure as Code Series

Which Kubernetes Distribution should one use?

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Tales of the Mojaloop Design Authority

An interesting question was raised at the first MDA’s convening of 2023… Which Kubernetes Distribution or Flavour should the Mojaloop Community support? (see Issue 93) The Mojaloop Design Authority (MDA) unanimously agreed that no specific distribution should be selected, but rather the latest supported version of Kubernetes running on a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)… Read More »Which Kubernetes Distribution should one use?

Mojaloop Foundation Accelerator Program – Rwanda

In early January 2023 the Mojaloop Foundation ran a two-day initiation workshop in collaboration with AfricaNenda and RISA in Kigali. The workshops were attended by System Integrators in Rwanda, WiredIn, Orion Systems, and Mvend, as well as members of the RISA team, AfricaNenda, Mojaloop Foundation, and INFITX.   As a Founder member of the Mojaloop Foundation,… Read More »Mojaloop Foundation Accelerator Program – Rwanda

INFITX Announces it’s Capacity Building Offerings

At INFITX we are experts at supporting organizations involved in building Inclusive Instant Payment Systems (IIPS) and have over 100 years of industry knowledge and experience doing this. Draw on this experience to avoid common pitfalls and delays to fast-track your scheme to both short and long-term success. We offer a range of support from… Read More »INFITX Announces it’s Capacity Building Offerings