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Miguel de Barros

Migrating to Managed EKS from Rancher with GitOps

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Musings from an Open Source Squad

The Mojaloop Core Team has recently completed the migration to EKS from Rancher for the Mojaloop Core Testing and Dev environments, so that time can be spent more effectively focused on fixing Mojaloop issues instead of maintaining the underlying K8s infrastructure! Miguel de Barros has had the privilege of working on the Mojaloop OSS (Open… Read More »Migrating to Managed EKS from Rancher with GitOps

FRMS Actio Proof of Concept

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Musings from an Open Source Squad

The Team at INFITX has recently built a Proof of Concept build around the OSS (Open Source Software) FRMS Actio Platform Vijay Kumar & Miguel de Barros, have had the privilege of working on the Mojaloop OSS (Open Source Software) project as part of the Core Engineering team, in conjunction with the broader community to develop… Read More »FRMS Actio Proof of Concept

Getting Started as a Mojaloop Developer

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series The Mojaloop Community Series

Sam Kummary and Miguel de Barros, have had the privilege of working on the Mojaloop OSS (Open Source Software) project since its inception, first through ModusBox and now as INFITX and they are proud to be part of a growing community. To support technical contributions, they have often assisted new community members in coming up… Read More »Getting Started as a Mojaloop Developer

Which Kubernetes Distribution should one use?

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Tales of the Mojaloop Design Authority

An interesting question was raised at the first MDA’s convening of 2023… Which Kubernetes Distribution or Flavour should the Mojaloop Community support? (see Issue 93) The Mojaloop Design Authority (MDA) unanimously agreed that no specific distribution should be selected, but rather the latest supported version of Kubernetes running on a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)… Read More »Which Kubernetes Distribution should one use?

Helm and Configuration to Resolve External Dependencies and Improve Upgradability in Mojaloop v14

Avoid tight coupling to external dependencies in your Helm charts, as they may break your upgradability, directly impacting your users. In this article, Miguel De Barros, Principal Architect Payment Solutions, deep dives into the challenges our team has faced using Helm for Kubernetes-based Mojaloop releases, the impact it has had on users, and what we’re changing… Read More »Helm and Configuration to Resolve External Dependencies and Improve Upgradability in Mojaloop v14