Many people are very interested and asking about how to use what we call the Mojaloop IaC (Infrastructure as Code) which provides a repeatable, automated, and robust deployment of Mojaloop. I’m going to write up 2 blog series – firstly, a tutorial blog series on how to use the IaC; and secondly, how this is used to support the on-prem deployments. But to get everybody started quickly, here are the links to where you can find the latest Mojaloop IaC repositories and instructions for installing.
Installation documentation:
The Bootstrap includes the dependent AWS components and manages the deployment of the environment, and will be rebranded as the “control plane”. The (now unfortunately named) iac-aws-platform environment repo represents the initial move towards an agnostic deployment of the Mojaloop platform with supporting services to robustly run the Mojaloop with Payment Manager enabled test DFSPs, this is a good starting point for a Proof-of-Concept/Value.
Please join our effort in the IaC Workstream if you are interested in deploying, enhancing the deployment of Mojaloop, or just helping improve documentation will be a huge contribution. And of course, supporting the evolution of the “bootstrap” to the on-prem/multi-cloud “control plane” solution.